Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nikola Tesla

                                                                                      Paolo Del Pielago

Who was Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was an inventor and one of the most influential of his time next to people such as Edison. His intelligence in subjects such as math were astounding and his inventions may come with failure but through hard work great success. He even created stuff before he was in his double digits such as a 16 power bug motor when he was nine. The life of Nikola Tesla starts out rough and end rough.

Nikola Tesla's family
Nikola Tesla, born in Smiljan, Croatia on July 10th 1865. Tesla into a family of five with his mother Djuka Tesla, and father Milutin Tesla. Tesla's parents weren't the most wealthy or famous but had the drive to continue living for their children. Tesla's father was a priest who was quite popular because of his position as priest. Milutin also tried hard to get people to join the church despite of where they came from. Tesla's mother worked as a housewife and she hadn't received a very through education so she is illiterate. Though she was illiterate, she was a great inventor inventing things such as labor saving devices or just anything creative. Tesla was the fourth child born out of 5 others Dane, Angelina, Marica and Milka Tesla. Tesla inherited his mother's inventiveness and craftiness more than his siblings had. Everyone else had great memory like their father Milutin but Tesla took after his mother. The Tesla family received very little money and were lucky to even still have a home and be alive but they survived. They grew up in a poor part of the village and were very poor but

Nikola Tesla's adulthood
When Tesla was growing up Dane died in an accident in horse racing and it really impacted his father as Dane was the first son. Tesla was originally was planned to be a priest like his father Milutin but Tesla insisted that he go to school and no longer be home schooled. At School, Tesla went to Polytechnic school in Austria working on mathematics, mechanics and, physics. Tesla immigrated to
the United States in New York in 1884 and worked for Thomas Edison at Consolidated Edison building. He only worked there for a year because of his mother's death, Edison refusing to pay him after saying that he would and, Edison constantly messing and changing Tesla's inventions. Tesla continues to invent and experiment after leaving Consolidated Edison and eventually had created the tesla coil in 1891 the same year he became an official U.S citizen. It was later patented in 1894. Tesla was a good man with good intention but hardly had the money to support these ideas such as when Tesla wanted to create a way to give electricity to everyone. Tesla wanted to liberate the world from darkness with this electrical current and, his backer J.P Morgan had backed out on him because Tesla's goal was not to make any money and Tesla begun to break down. Morgan made it extremely difficult for Tesla to get backed once more. In 1898 Tesla invented something very pivotal to the world the remote control. After Tesla is left by JP Morgan he seems to stay quiet for over 4 decades and at the end of Tesla's life in 1943 the FBI took all of his research after he died in a New York hotel in (you guessed it) New York.

Nikola Tesla's inventions nowadays.
Tesla's inventions have still lasted to the present right now in 2017. Tesla's Tesla coil is still used today in the form of radios and, used for wireless electricity. Another invention that's used a lot nowadays is the remote control even in our phones, TV, toys and much more. Tesla's three phase electric power is still used today even though single and double have been invented and popular. It's used through the three phase electric power transmission lines. Tesla's work has been used from back then to the present and it shows the strife of a man who wanted to give light to the world but didn't have the resources to do it and he died poor because his enemies, J.P Morgan and Thomas Edison who kicked him over and tossed him aside.


  1. Paolo - Your best was a good overview to this famous "Tesla" that we always here about but never quite make the connections. It was interesting to hear another story of the "American Dream", accomplished by another legend. Like Andrew Carnegie, he and Nikola Tesla both came from humble beginnings but through a continued goal to better their lives, they were able to become the outstanding people we hear about in our history class. I wonder if Tesla would feel that his name is doing good to the world through the car company, I certainly was interested to know how prominent of an electrician Tesla was. You could almost say that he was the first electric engineer of his time. It is extremely unfortunate to hear about how he died, possibly believing he was a failure because he wasn't blessed or able to achieve coveted wealth. Tesla is like many starving artists like Van Gogh who are significant in the present but during their time and up until their death, they believed they weren't making lasting contribution to history. It is important to remember and honor these people and look at how they have shaped our world.

  2. Paolo, I really liked how you organized your post into different sections. I found it really interesting that Tesla was both turned down by J. P. Morgan and Thomas Edison. It was also amazing how many of his inventions are still in use today. Another inventor that I found who lived during Tesla's time period was Alexander Graham Bell. Bell was able to invent the telephone in 1876. Similar to Tesla's invention of the coil, remote control, and electric power, Bell's invention of the telephone is still in use today. Much like Tesla, he was also challenged by many people who claimed that they had thought of the idea of the telephone before. Bell "faced over 550 court challenges," but luckily for him, "none were successful." It's amazing how many technological advancements there were during the late nineteenth century as America was growing industrially.
