Sunday, April 15, 2018

1993 World Trade Center bombing

Gavin Stockton
Period 1
1993 World Trade Center Bombing 
Al-Queda, a now-famous terrorist group had not always had the publicity they own today. In 1993 when their leader Osama Bin Ladin was wanting more attention from the US government he had men travel to the US to bomb the world trade center. A man known as Ramzi Yousef was accompanied by Sheik Omar Rahman who would be aiding him in the terrorist attack against the government. Initially, he drove a truck containing a bomb straight into tower 2 which he hoped would collide with tower one and make them both fall down, however after creating a 87-foot wide hole and killing 6 people and injuring 1,042 people his mission was not all completed. However, this attack would later set the stage for the 9/11 attacks.
Image result for 1993 world trade center bombing


  1. Good Post. I thought your general summary of the event was concise and fluid. I like how you talked about how this attack set the stage for the later 9/11 attacks. I thought that you could have expanded about how this attack increased the scope of the US anti-terror operation. That after these attacks Bill Clinton began to set up all of these anti-terror networks inside the US government and around the world. You could have also expanded that while the US expanded its anti-terror operation, it made little effort to control to terrorist from getting into the country. Overall though, good post.


    Forgot to cite
