Friday, December 8, 2017

Joseph Stalin Bio

Joseph Stalin


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The leader of Soviet Russia considered one of the most bloodthirsty leaders at the time. Also know as one of the worst villains of the century. He changed his name to be Stalin which means man of steel he lived from 1878 to 1953 as the doctor for Soviet Socialist Republicans (USSR). He reined in power from 1929 till the year he dies in 1953.

Stalin’s childhood was ridden with poverty and to make matters worse carried on into his adult life. He was at a young age attracted to different radical movements. Stalling was imprisoned eight times by the Russian’s secret to police.

His rise to power started after the Russian Revolution began, in 1917. Stalin admired Lenin’s work. But he out maneuvered in order to gain control of Russia. Under stallion Russia’s economy and industrial capabilities grew fast. If you didn’t follow his five year plan for the goods making you would either get sent of to camps or and early execution. 3 billions people died because of his brutal ways. He now was making more food on the bright side but at what cost. Stalins reign of terror included to worst man made starvation ever to hit the books, poverty overtook families. People dies because they simply didn’t have enough energy to work with the working conditions and meet the quotas. They where hungry.

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Before WWII Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression pact which didn’t last very long. The Germans invaded the Soviet union. They underestimate Stalin. There was such few food what would happen is the soldiers would stop to give them a crust of breed and fill there canteens and the Soviet Snipers would shoot the little children. Soviet Union lost 20 million people during this. Due to this he wanted much or Europe when dividing it up. The whole idea was to not have a repeat of WWII with Russia. They where/are seen as a superpower that can infect just as much or even more terror as Germany.

March 5, 1953 people believe that he made Russia into a Superpower from nothing. He is greatly regarded and admired still today In Russia. He was mostly feared though because he created camps, and exceptions yo kill his own people. There is still not a number that we know of to approximate how many lives where lost that where Russian civilians.

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1 comment:

  1. I thought your article was interesting because I was not aware of Stalin's childhood. I also wasn't aware that we don't know how many Russian civilian lives were lost due to his camps and cruel tactics. Check out: to learn more about some of the ways Stalin incooperated secrecy into his life and during his reign. For example, he changed his own birthday as well as photoshopped scars left over from the smallpox as a child.
