Friday, December 8, 2017

Paris Liberation..Only the Beginning!

Paris Liberation:

From June 14th 1940 to 1944 Nazi Germany had taken command over pairs and occupied, for 4 treacherous years. French liberated Paris with its 2nd Armored Division and the U.S. 4th Infantry Division.  The German who where usually know as strong fighters especially in WWII strangely didn’t give them much of a fight.

There where orders from Adolf Hitler to blow up Paris’ landmarks and burn the city to the ground before its liberation. Except General Dietrich von Choltitz, commander of the German garrison, defied his orders. He then signed a formal surrender of Paris August 26th.

Exactly eight days after, France signed an armistice with the Germans, the French state set up with its capital Vichy.  The Resistance didn’t like France falling back under the power of the Germans. They has taken power and occupies France  which then resisted not only the Nazi’s but Vicky rule.

In order to prepare for the allies comping to liberate around the 18th of August workers went on strike. Then the resistance who had been anonymous for the most part came out and started attacking German Fortifications, all over, trying to make it easier for the Allies.

They then delayed the liberation of Paris in order to not waste resources, and give themselves time to get stocked and ready for soon to come D-day.

On August 22 the liberation was to proceed, the 2nd Armored Division ran into heavy German Artillery. Which slathered most of the men.
Image result for liberation of paris

They didn’t stop though, because on the 25th of August they barley managed to reach Paris suburbs.  Civilians Loved them and thanked them it was a joyful time. Until they past through and had to keep fighting on.

On August 25th the German resistance was gone. 20,000 troops surrendered/fled.


1 comment:

  1. Amazing post sydney! When they talked about the Paris liberation in the documentary I was so intrigued and was hoping someone would blog in more detail about it. Loved the picture you choose and I was also quite shocked to hear Hitler had initially planned to burn Paris to the ground. Quite tragic if you think of what could have happened. Something I found to be quite interesting was that it started with a strike. The battle for Paris began with a metro/railway strike an when policemen arrived the madness began. Overall great post!
