Thursday, December 7, 2017

War, its facade versus its truth

After watching the D-Day Video, I began to think more about life as one of those soldiers. Since some were as young as 17, this would of course happen, because as I sit in a heated house connected to the internet, in the 1940´s, a 17-year-old kid was preparing to be sent off to Normandy. Just trying to understand that divide is hard enough. Eventually, I began to think about War itself, and why every war veteran seems to say the same thing, war is hell. In my eyes, of course, it is, I've read so much information on the subject, it cant be anything but. However, in during World War two, there was no gigantic source of information, there was the newspaper, and the radio, and maybe your neighbors. So glorifying war was much simpler, as there were no atrocities to be seen second hand.

So a kid goes to war after hearing how much fortune and glory he could earn, then discovers it was all just a lie, and they may have to storm the beaches of Normandy. Seems pretty insane. Chances are I´ll never go through or understand the hell those veterans soldiers through at my age. So I think it would be best to be grateful, and preserve their trials in memory.

No sources except for the D-Day Video. Just a train of thought

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