Anita Bryant
Bryant was 30 years old when she became known as an outspoken opponent of gay rights in the US. In 1977, she ran the "Save Our Children" campaign to repeal a local ordinance in Dade County, Florida. This in fact
prohibited discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. This
involvement significantly damaged her popularity and career in show
business. Which in turn ended her career as a signer and trust into action her belief is political activism.
The Save our Children Campaign purpose was to based on conservative Christian beliefs regarding the sinfulness of homosexuality and the perceived threat of homosexual recruitment of children and child molestation. This was also one of the reason she divorced her husband. In 1980, she pointed out the blatant hypocrisy from the "Christian right"
regarding the indissolubility of Christian marriage which Bryant had
championed and "the deterioration of the family" against which she had
As you can see in the above picture she was tackling a very controversial topic during a press conference when she got a "fruit pie" thrown in her face by obviously a gay rights activist member. She very passive aggressive made the joke about the fruit being that its what they called gay men in that time period. She today is still widely hated by the gay community for obvious reasons.
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