Sunday, May 13, 2018

Spot Resolution

The Spot Resolution, also known as Lincoln´s Spot Resolution, request was sent to President James Polk to provide Congress the exact location of where which blood was split on American Soil. Although it was not officially passed, it did provide a direct challenge to the validity of the president´s words especially when there is a political power struggle between Whigs and Democrats.

The origin of Spots resolution began when President James Polk called for war against Mexico for shedding American blood on American soil. Lincoln responded by introducing multiple resolutions demanding to know the exact location of where a specific spot of soil where American blood had been shed. Although Congress did not go through with Lincoln´s resolution, it also brought up the question of territory. More specifically many citizens saw the incoming war as a ploy to increase slavery. Since President Polk was in the democratic party and had became president due to his vision of increasing territory along with slavery as well. This brought up many concerns as to how much land filled with slavery could increase the chance of war. However as a result of many disputes on the topic of slavery came the American Civil War.

Although Spots Resolution was readily dismissed by the Congress, it underlines many bigger topics such as power distribution to political parties. Abraham Lincoln had provided the country a peak of what the problems are within the country they are living in.

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